12 Jan

Version 1.01

So of course, as soon as 1.00 was out the door, I started finding little things to update or fix. Some people don’t think it be like it is, but it do.

A lot of this update is simply clarifying existing rules, resolving edge cases… and adding Castles. So now you can build those – if you’ve got the treasury for it.

Below, you’ll find the changelog – what’s different between this version, and the previous release (good ol’ 1.00).

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01 Jan

Version 1.00

It’s taken me nearly two years, but here we are – Version 1.00. I’m proud to announce that Reclaim the Wild is complete, and ready for wide release!

(I doubt I’ll ever be able to say it’s “done” – what is, these days? – but at some point, one has to stop calling things ‘Beta’ or ‘Release Candidate’, and let them fly on their own wings.)

You can find the latest version available for download here, or by clicking the “Download” link up top.

Below, you’ll find the changelog – what’s different between this version, and the previous release (in this case, Release Candidate 8).

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