27 Dec

New Tool: Weapon Builder

While we were in the midst of a playtest campaign, one of my playtest players built a weapon creation tool in Google Docs. I thought it was pretty neat, and I wanted to include something like it on this new website.

One of the most important attributes of including such a tool on this website, in my mind, was that it wouldn’t require you to copy a Google Doc to your own private space. You should be able to pull it up on a phone or a computer, and just use it instantly.

Well, after a day or two of learning some basic Javascript and dusting off my ancient HTML skills, I’ve created just such a tool! It’s now listed in the “Useful Tools” sidebar. Or you can check it out here!

At present, it’s not terribly pretty, and there are some additional features I’d like to include in it eventually. But even in its current state, it’s something I think players and GMs will find useful.

02 Dec


Welcome to the The Legend of Zelda: Reclaim the Wild! I’ve been working on this system for a long time, but it’s nearly time to call it “version 1.0” and release it to the public.

Any self-respecting home-made tabletop system needs a website – a place to highlight campaigns, showcase ideas, talk about the development process, share homebrewed rules and tools, and announce the release of the latest version.

Hopefully, this will become just that kind of site. And hopefully, Reclaim the Wild will benefit and grow from it.