22 Nov

Adding Meat to your Dishes

When we initially set out to create Reclaim the Wild‘s food-crafting system, we weren’t intending to create a wholly vegetarian list of Ingredients. But when we got done transcribing the Ingredients found in Breath of the Wild, we found we were already there – and we decided to see how far we could push it. (Turns out – pretty far! Excepting a few kinds of honey, all Food Ingredients listed in the Core Rulebook’s Appendix are some type of plant or fungus.)

While this led to having a list of Ingredients that should be amenable to a wide variety of diets, it also meant we excluded a staple substance: meat! So today, in honor of American Thanksgiving coming up soon, we’re going to present some notions for finding and harvesting sources of meat. Check it out below!

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08 Nov

Running an Isekai Game

We’ve long had stories of people from our mundane, humdrum world being sucked into fantastical realms of fiction. Even within the space of games, 80’s cartoons like Captain N: The Game Master and Dungeons & Dragons have featured people being ‘sucked into the game’, and using their knowledge and skills to save a world they once believed was simple fantasy.

These works are sometimes known as “Portal Fantasy”, a term which also includes classic works like The Wizard of Oz. These days, though, you might know them by a specific Japanese term: “Isekai”. Isekai has become a whole genre of anime and manga unto itself, inundating bookstores and magazines to the point where it seems ubiquitous.

Reclaim the Wild, by virtue of being based directly on a popular video game, is well-suited to running a tabletop Isekai campaign. After all, part of the appeal of an Isekai work is applying the heroes’ knowledge of ‘how the game works’ to solving problems great and small in their new home! But how should you go about running a proper Isekai campaign?

Below, we discuss some ideas for doing just that. Check it out below!

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