14 Aug

Announcing a Spanish Translation / Anunciando una traducción al español

¡Hola y bienvenidos, héroes españoles!

The Reclaim the Wild community has people from all walks of life, and from many corners of the world. Every so often, we get asked if we’d be okay with volunteers translating the system into their native language, and we almost always say “yes” – we’d love to see the game be picked up and played by people all over the world! We even have channels in the Discord server set aside for some of these translation efforts.

Today, we’re glad to announce the first completely translated rulebook – a Spanish version of the Core Rulebook! This is thanks to Milena and their gaming group, with some advice from longtime community member BurningAdri.

Please note that this is a beta translation. If you find anything difficult to understand – particularly if you’re a native Spanish speaker, and not previously familiar with TTRPGs! – please jump into out Discord channel, and share your concerns and feedback. Also, as this is a volunteer effort, note that further updates may take a while, particularly after any new version of the Core Rulebook comes out.

This beta Spanish version of the Core Rulebook has been uploaded to the same folder with the existing English version. However, you can also download them directly from here or here.

22 May

Removing Maddie from the Development Team

We recently received reports of inappropriate behavior on Maddie’s part. After investigation, including a review of chat logs provided by the aggrieved party, we’ve confirmed the allegations. We’ve discussed the matter with Maddie, and she also confirmed the allegations. Myself, Milly, and the Discord server’s moderator team are all deeply saddened by this, but we know what must be done.

Effective immediately, we’ve removed Maddie from Reclaim the Wild’s development team, and banned her from the Discord server.

Reclaim the Wild is a place for a fun game, but it is also a place where people should feel safe. If you ever feel that a member of the community – even a developer! – has ever behaved inappropriately with you, please message an admin or moderator. Know that we take such allegations very seriously.

15 May

A Changing of the Guard

Today, I have some big news to share – mostly good, though some bittersweet.

First, I’d like to welcome Maddie (aka Krishahl) to the Development team of Reclaim the Wild! (You may know her as the author of last week’s guest article.) Going forward, you might see more content from her on this page, and more of her influence in the Rulebook.

Maddie’s been a chipper and helpful force in the homebrewing community here, and has put out a number of homebrew efforts. She’s even working on her own supplement, Reclaim the Waves, which aims to bring the swashbuckling, seafaring exploration of Wind Waker to the game!

I’m eager to see what Maddie brings to the game and the community in her new official role, and I hope you’ll join me in welcoming her to the team. Hop into the Discord and give her your congratulations!

Second, I’d like to announce that I will be ramping down my involvement with Reclaim the Wild development. It is my hope that I’ll be able to, essentially, retire – leaving the game in Milly and Maddie’s capable hands. I’ve handed off work on the Core Rulebook, Bestiary, and Rebuild to them.

I’ve been working on Reclaim the Wild since late March of 2017 – just a few weeks after Breath of the Wild came out. For over four years, this game, its community, the feedback and iteration… has consumed almost all of my free time. I’d like to put my feet up for a while, and then move on to other projects.

Ooh, I might even have time to play in a campaign of Reclaim the Wild. Won’t that be fun!

I won’t be disappearing entirely, though, don’t worry! I’ll still be in the Discord server, greeting newcomers and answering the occasional question. I’ll also remain available to Milly and Maddie, to help them when they request it. (If I get particularly inspired, I might even still write an article or two.)

I’ll also be keeping the website running and paid for, for the foreseeable future. I like the community we’ve built here, and I have no plans to endanger that.

I know this is a lot to process – I’ve been thinking about it for many months now. Things will certainly be a little different going forward. But I think it’s a cool opportunity, not just for Maddie, but for the game and its community as a whole. Both Reclaim the Wild, and you, deserve awesome developers; I have faith that I’ve selected them, and I hope you’ll join me in supporting them as the game moves forward.


I’d like to thank Milly and Maddie, for being understanding and supportive of me in this time, and accepting the torch, as it were. Thanks to May, for supporting me from the outset, being my initial co-developer and sounding-board, and for listening to me spill my heart as I came to this decision. Thanks to all my friends – my girlfriend, especially – for just flat-out putting up with me during Reclaim‘s initial development.

And thanks to you, the community – the players, and game masters, and folks who just dig the system and hang out in the Discord chat. I’ve had my spirits buoyed by so many of the nice things you’ve said over the years, and I hope this li’l game has helped you, too.

Art by Nintendo
Art by Nintendo
01 Jan

Another Year Later

Reclaim the Wild has now been out for two years! Holy cow. And with a new year dawning, it’s a good time to look back and reflect on what’s happened in the past year.

This year, we dramatically scaled back our update pace, but increased the sheer number of changes per update. While 2019 saw more than half a dozen revisions of the core rulebook, 2020 saw only two. However, that included the truly massive Version 2.00, and the still-surprisingly-huge 2.01. Each of those updates saw the rules get tweaked and refined in a wide variety of ways, with changes ranging from small typos to significant reworkings. There were so many changes, we had to worry about how many we could list on a single page of the Core Rulebook!

With fewer new versions of the rulebooks, you’d think our download numbers would decline. That hasn’t really been the case, though! It’s been good to see that the PDFs of the rules have been downloaded at least another 10,000 or so times – again, not including people sending the books to one another privately, or downloads from the GDocs mirror.

Last year at this time, I had said that we might not publish as many articles as we’d done in 2019. We did cut back some, but not as much as I had thought we would’ve. On average, we were still able to put out almost two articles a month! Perhaps 2021 will see us slow down some more… or perhaps not. (After all, I was wrong about that last year.)

A lot of the new Homebrew Additions were driven by Milly, who really stepped up to the task of keeping the game’s development moving forward. He collated the feedback and questions people had, and his encouragement helped keep me engaged and working on improving the system. Sometimes that meant batting an idea back and forth with him over many hours; sometimes it just meant one of us having a good idea, and the other nodding in agreement. It’s thanks to him, and to everyone’s feedback, that we have a proper Version 2 of the system.

I also have the pleasure of seeing him interact with the community in the Discord chat, answering rules questions alongside other long-time community members. The Discord has grown even stronger and more vibrant than before, as highlighted by our recent Wild Homebrew Jam. It really is a treat to see y’all in there, talking about the game, sharing stories about your campaigns, posting memes, and enjoying each other’s company.

Speaking of the Homebrew Jam, it was incredible to see how many people participated, and it was a joy to read through all the submitted homebrew. Maybe we’ll do it again this year? Let us know what you think of us holding another Jam, or if there are other community events you might like to see occur.

2020 has truly been the longest and craziest year we’ve ever faced. I sincerely hope 2021 treats everyone better. But I can rest easy, knowing that this little corner of the internet is a welcoming place for people who love The Legend of Zelda, and want to have their own adventures in that world.

09 Jun

Equality & Inclusivity

We recognize that this is a very difficult and painful time, as people around the world grapple with the systemic inequality and injustice in the way people are paid, policed, and governed. We want Reclaim the Wild to be a safe, fun, and welcoming experience for everyone, and we hope it helps you escape the pressures of the outside world.

As such, we will continue doing everything we can to ensure everyone feels welcome and supported in our community. We believe every player deserves a seat at the gaming table, regardless of the color of their skin, their sexual orientation, their country of origin, how their brain works, how their body works, or their age – but only if they treat the other players at the table with respect. If you ever have questions or concerns, please reach out to reclaimthewildtabletop@gmail.com, or contact the Administrators or Moderators in our Discord channel.

In difficult times, games can be a way to recharge by enjoying some escapism with friends, or to gain catharsis by exploring and overcoming the obstacles we face in real life. We hope Reclaim the Wild, and this amazing community, can provide that to all of you. 

Thank you for playing with us,

– Elemental Knight,
Founder & Co-Developer