09 Jun

Equality & Inclusivity

We recognize that this is a very difficult and painful time, as people around the world grapple with the systemic inequality and injustice in the way people are paid, policed, and governed. We want Reclaim the Wild to be a safe, fun, and welcoming experience for everyone, and we hope it helps you escape the pressures of the outside world.

As such, we will continue doing everything we can to ensure everyone feels welcome and supported in our community. We believe every player deserves a seat at the gaming table, regardless of the color of their skin, their sexual orientation, their country of origin, how their brain works, how their body works, or their age – but only if they treat the other players at the table with respect. If you ever have questions or concerns, please reach out to reclaimthewildtabletop@gmail.com, or contact the Administrators or Moderators in our Discord channel.

In difficult times, games can be a way to recharge by enjoying some escapism with friends, or to gain catharsis by exploring and overcoming the obstacles we face in real life. We hope Reclaim the Wild, and this amazing community, can provide that to all of you. 

Thank you for playing with us,

– Elemental Knight,
Founder & Co-Developer