Version 1.06
It’s been a while! But with the influx of new readers, players, and GMs from the Kotaku article, we’ve gotten a whole lot of feedback and playtesting reports. So we’ve got a slew of tweaks, updates, and changes, big and small!
This version features a few changes to Races, such as Rito now being able to use their molted feathers as a Cloth material. It also features the first inclusion of material from Cadence of Hyrule, the “Cadence’s Shovel Strike” Spell. Swarms were altered to not be based off of the monsters’ Size, so they should be easier to use and more sensible to fight. And of course, there’s lots of minor corrections, clarifications, and wording alterations.
As ever, you can download the new version of the books here or here.
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