15 Sep

New Weapon Enchantment: Tutoring

It’s a common trope among fantasy adventures, and among video games, for equipment to be enchanted with specific skills and effects – such as a sword that shoots fireballs, or has a healing scabbard. While Reclaim the Wild features Enchanting as a crafting discipline, you can’t tie Feats, Spells, and Techniques to specific equipment – until now.

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15 Aug

Revamped Item: Hookshot

The Hookshot and its variants have been a recurring part in the Zelda franchise since A Link to the Past. The Core Rulebook includes the Hookshot as a Magical Tool, allowing GMs to award it to Heroes as a dungeon’s special treasure or the like. However, Magical Tools do not interact with the Crafting system that is central to Reclaim the Wild, nor do they allow the player to customize the Tool to really make it their own. As an alternative, we present the Hookshot as a Personalized Tool.

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01 Jul

Design Your Weapon

As part of the 2.00 update, we primarily focused on bringing poorer-performing weapons up to the par of the best weapon types, and re-evaluating how useful some weapon attributes were. We also codified weapon behaviors to make them more easily transferable to new weapon types. In fact, one of the goals of our weapon rebalancing efforts was to make it easier overall for you to make whole new types of homebrewed weapons!

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