And now it’s time for the fifth annual Wild Homebrew Jam!
Tell Me More!
Every year in November, we hold a month-long Homebrew Jam. We invite our whole community to come up with new additions for the system, and then the community votes on their favorites. In the past, we’ve seen a wide array of clever new content: equipment, monsters, systems, adventures, and dozens more besides. You can check out last year’s entrants and winners here, if you’d like to see some great examples.
To keep things fair and interesting, we limit the Jam to just the month of November. Whatever it is you come up with, you must have done all the work, from start to finish, in November. We also offer an optional theme up, to help inspire our community.
We also request that your Homebrew must be Safe for Work, wholly original, and entirely made by you (or you and your partners).
And of course, as per tradition, our community will then vote on their favorite entries. The winners of this vote will have their homebrew featured in articles on the website, and will see their homebrew specially flagged on the wiki for posterity! (They’ll also receive a Nintendo eShop gift card, as a little token of our appreciation.)
See below the cut for the full rules and details, and more information about this year’s theme!
In Third Place… Happy Heart, with the Culex Monster Sheet! Featuring the stat blocks not just for one Monster, but five, this entry will definitely test an adventuring party’s endurance and elemental coverage.
For Second Place… BucketGod’s The Legend of Hilda: Earthcore Hammer! This setting guide provides the touchstone for running a Lorulian take on Skyward Sword, deep underground.
The Developer’s Choice… Ramos’s Randomize the Wild! This entry is full of a DM’s best friend: randomized tables for almost everything you can think of: races, items, a different type of character progression, and even generating dungeons!
For Another Place, Another Time… Wraithslayer101’s Journey to the Center of Hyrule! Short but sweet, this entry provides ideas for what one would find underneath Hyrule – even underneath the caverns that you can explore in Tears of the Kingdom.
For our newest category, Best Adventure… Regame’s The Fallen Temple! This adventure leads the party back to Holodrum’s Temple of Seasons after the weather starts changing every few hours.
Finally, in First Place… Lil Bug’s Simple Playable Bestiary! This thorough document provides details for turning every entry in Ravage the Wild into a playable race.
As in prior years, we’re going to try and highlight all of these entries with their own individual articles in the coming year. We’ll also be contacting them directly, to coordinate their gift card rewards – so keep an eye out for that soon, winners!
Thank you once again for the homebrew jammers for providing such wonderful entries, and for everyone who’s taken the time to read and vote on all these entries.
Edit: 4 January 2024 – Wrathslayer101 was wrongly credited as the author of the Second Place winner; it’s actually BucketGod. In addition, Best Adventure was unintentionally omitted. Apologies to everyone for these mistakes.
It has been 3 months since The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has been released. As expected, the game comes with many new ideas that build upon the base of Breath of the Wild.
Many people have asked about how I would implement TotK’s ideas into Reclaim the Wild, and this document serves as a quick and easy first draft. The contents may change as I improve upon them, and even include more complicated aspects. Some of these may even be implemented into the core book!
In addition to my contributions, I will attach links to other people’s homebrew – though I am the developer, I am never the final word on what’s used at your table. Some of the homebrew is on the Discord, so feel free to join the community.
Needless to say, spoilers abound for those who wish to experience TotK wholly by themselves. Click through at your own discretion.
Xaetamin’s entry is a grab bag of spells, techniques, magic items, and monsters, almost all focused on the Ever Upwards theme. Many of these are useful, but balanced, a quality that no doubt helped this entry win first place!
Here are Xaetamin’s thoughts:
I’d there’s one thing I love about ttrpgs, it’s the sheer number options you have for playing the game you want. That’s why I made my contribution a variety pack aimed at providing players with plenty of extra options as well as expanding a particular archetype of Techniques.
It was a fellow player of mine in one of Viyers games that gave me inspiration for the expanded Jump Attack related Techniques (thanks Bucket). Adding additional options for more damage, additional targets and the ability to convert any of this attacks into a small AOE was a lot of fun.
The other half of my inspiration was adding some extra “Wind” magic into the system. Wind may not be an official damage type in this system but it has been a commonly used element for many Zelda games. Each Wind Spell and Technique has the goal of knocking your enemies around or just protecting yourself by deflecting attacks, as is the case with Vaati’s Dark Wind Barrier.
Fi’s Dancing Blade was honestly just thrown in for the Skyward Sword reference. The obvious star of the show for Spelltechs is obviously Dragon’s Flight. I’m honestly surprised that no one had created a flight Spell before this but I suppose that there was always concerns of encounter balance.
Back on the topic of providing more options, I wanted to give GMs more choices as well as players. That’s why I included the Magical Tools, each naturally themed around jumping, flying and wind respectively, and a link to a second sheet with a series of monsters that are just as good as jumping and flying as the players could be if they used any of the options in this variety pack. There’s an even balance of basic and BOSS monsters I’m there as well as a friendly companion in the form of the Loftwing.
Overall, I’m quite happy with the amount of work I put into this. I’m genuinely surprised I won first place but I can’t complain either. I just want to thank everyone who voted on my submission and I hope you all have fun using it in your games!
If you want to try out any of these options, go check out Xaetamin’s Ride the Winds!