01 May

New Race: Weapon Spirits

Today’s article is a bit of a special thing – one of our community members, Avara Sheridan, made a homebrew race for Reclaim the Wild a little while back. And today, we’re presenting it here on the blog!

This isn’t just some random bit of dashed-off napkin scribblery, though. Avara put a ton of work into designing this Race, iterating on it with other members of the community, and through it all, held herself to the same standards that we used in creating the Races of the Core Rulebook.

So not only is this a cool bit of homebrew design for the system, it’s also an excuse for us to show that players and GMs have started adding their hand-made additions to our Homebrew Wiki – and to show that, if your own homebrewed content goes through similar steps, you might find it featured on this blog, too!

Anyway, that’s enough preamble from me. Check out Avara’s cool Weapon Spirit Race below!

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15 Apr

Improvised Magic

When designing Reclaim the Wild, we intentionally kept Magic regimented and simple. This is, after all, how it is generally used by Link in various Zelda games – he learns specific Spells with specific functions, but he can’t create new magical effects out of thin air. Further, the versions of Hyrule we’ve seen throughout the Zelda games rarely had wizards and sorcerers who practiced flamboyant magic in the town square; even the few other Heroes we see were typically scholars, knights, or otherwise lacking in magical prowess.

However, players or GMs might want mages to be able to creatively use magic off-the-cuff, free from the shackles of rote, memorized Spells. Heroes in your game may want to craft small illusions to help tell stories by the campfire, douse the whole party in water to clean off after a particularly messy fight, or want to permanently enchant a door against being opened by evil creatures. For cases like these, we present Improvised Magic.

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02 Apr

Version 1.04

It’s time for a new update to the rules! Funny how these keep coming out with some regularity, but it’s still fun for me to do these.

This version release is relatively minor, but I wanted to get it out sooner rather than later, because it carries a number of small quality-of-life improvements and clarifications that newcomers might find useful. As such, there aren’t any changes in the Bestiary this time around – a first for the system!

As ever, you can get the new version of the PDFs here (Mediafire), or you can use the Google Drive mirror (Google Drive).

Check out below for the full changelog!

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15 Mar

New Tool: Phonograph

Phonographs are a minor staple of the Zelda franchise, and serve as a useful shorthand for showcasing how technologically advanced a Zelda game world is: the more advanced their record-playing technology, the more advanced the world itself is.

Appearing in Ocarina of TimeMajora’s MaskOracle of Seasons, and The Minish Cap, Phonographs have been used to teach Link the notes for Magical Songs, to entertain visiting guests, and to serve as a relaxing way to pass the time with some nice tunes. In Reclaim the Wild, Heroes are sure to find clever uses for Phonographs above and beyond these. Perhaps they’ll secretly record a corrupt noble’s meeting with a dark wizard, or play a recording of themselves shouting and cavorting to distract a guard while they slip into a fortress.

Below, for use in your own Reclaim the Wild games, we present a new Mundane Tool, the Phonograph, and its Ammunition, Discs.

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