15 Dec

Announcing the Winners of the Second Annual Wild Homebrew Jam!

We’ve counted the votes, and we’ve looked through the submissions to choose our favorites. Now it’s time to reveal the winners!

Milly and I had a blast reading all the entries! They were all entertaining and well-thought-out submissions, worthy of your time to read them – and of being included in any Reclaim the Wild campaign. I was also glad to see a few submissions dive into this year’s optional theme, ‘Steam’; I had worried that we might not get anyone to attempt that challenge.

This year, there were nine entries in all. Below, you’ll find links to them all, as well as the announced winners!

The Entries

Furry Red BeardRat Trap and Hollow Woods
idkwhateverPacci’s Flipbook
Karma KawsmosHeroes Beyond the Cosmos
NavTraveler’s Tome of Lost Magic
PeculiarLoremasterOcarina of Time-style Character Creation
RamosRotate the Wrench
ShinesZelda’s Refuge and Zant’s Curse
ViyersRail the Wild – Spirit Tracks Campaign Setting
XaetaminLink, Hylian Champion

The Winners

For third place… Shines, with two new spells, Zelda’s Refuge and Zant’s Curse! These spells help you better conceal your identity – whether you like it, or not. They’re also wonderful ties back to Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess, letting you play as either hero, or villain.

For second place… Ramos, with their huge Rotate the Wrench supplement! This massive entry really took the ‘Steam’ theme and ran with it, giving us a whole new system for building and riding on trains. Great for any modern-era Zelda game!

For Developer’s Choice… idkwhatever, with their Pacci’s Flipbook! This is a tightly-focused set of three spells, building on the promise of the great sage, Pacci. While some might laugh at the sage’s signature spell, they’ll find their fights and travels enriched by these three unique spells. (Though they might still laugh; they’re the good kind of funny, too.)

For ‘Steam-iest’… Vyers, with their Rail the Wild supplement! With two new playable races and rules for integrating trains into your settlements and battles, it’s easy to see why this supplement garnered so many votes. (In fact, it won both the ‘steam’ award and the overall vote count, so we asked Vyers which crown they’d like to take home. They chose to take the title of Steam-iest, which means…)

For first place… Karma Kawsmos, with their Heroes Beyond the Cosmos supplement! This huge supplement includes a ton of new feats, including “Origin Feats” – a feature so cool, I wish I’d thought of it first.

As with last year, in the coming weeks, we’ll highlight these winners with their own articles. We’ll also contact them to determine how they want their gift card rewards. With any luck, we can sort it out by Christmas!