07 Jan

Wild Homebrew Jam Winner: Adventure: Horon Disaster

First in our feature of the Wild Homebrew Jam winners is Viyer’s “Adventure: Horon Disaster“!

From the beginning, we wanted Reclaim the Wild to have a proper adventure module. Being able to grab a quest and just run it is a huge boon for a system, and can help newcomers (both GM and player alike) better understand how to properly play and have fun.

So imagine our surprise and delight when we saw adventure modules being submitted for the Wild Homebrew Jam! Viyer’s Adventure: Horon Disaster is a breezy read, and is a suitable adventure for Heroes just beginning on their journey, featuring foes and obstacles that novice players and their novice Heroes.

Part of what makes this adventure so easy to read through is the artwork by Dormin, giving the module’s foes a lovely artistic spotlight. Between that, and the maps that Viyers created, the module has a beautiful, professional look to it.

Speaking with Viyers, they had this to say: I just wanted to try and make a starting adventure than any group could pick and play to discover the system, with a little bit of all the aspects I consider most important to the hobby. A bit of roleplay, a bit of combat and a tiny pseudo dungeon so they would get a general taste of how Reclaim the Wild function.

So if you’d like to take that taste and jump right into playing, remember to check out the module here!