New Tool: Phonograph
Phonographs are a minor staple of the Zelda franchise, and serve as a useful shorthand for showcasing how technologically advanced a Zelda game world is: the more advanced their record-playing technology, the more advanced the world itself is.
Appearing in Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask, Oracle of Seasons, and The Minish Cap, Phonographs have been used to teach Link the notes for Magical Songs, to entertain visiting guests, and to serve as a relaxing way to pass the time with some nice tunes. In Reclaim the Wild, Heroes are sure to find clever uses for Phonographs above and beyond these. Perhaps they’ll secretly record a corrupt noble’s meeting with a dark wizard, or play a recording of themselves shouting and cavorting to distract a guard while they slip into a fortress.
Below, for use in your own Reclaim the Wild games, we present a new Mundane Tool, the Phonograph, and its Ammunition, Discs.
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