Breman's Babel

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Effect: You attune your mind to the sound of Farore’s wind in all life’s breaths. For the next hour, you can understand and speak to any Natural animals as though they spoke fluent Hylian. This song does nothing to alter their disposition towards you or compel them to engage with you– though any animal in the vicinity who is a valid target and can hear the song will be aware of its power and may initiate conversation for its own reason. Based on your Musical Power, this range of animals expands based on the following chart.

Musical Power 1 – You can speak to cows, cuccos, pets dogs and cats, and other domesticated animals that interacts with people on a daily basis

Musical Power 2 – You can speak with animals that live in close proximity to people, such as mice or crows

Musical Power 3 - You can speak with wild relatives of common domesticated animals, such as wolfos or wild horses

Musical Power 4 - You can speak with any animal

An animal’s initial disposition towards you is not affected by this song, not does it prevent them from attacking the user or their group. By default, most wild animals are neutral and warry towards people, though domesticated animals or those you have fed/tended may be friendly while territorial creatures or predators will usually be unfriendly if not hostile. You can attempt to befriend, negotiate with, question, or otherwise interact with them just like you would any other NPC, with Trait Test made to request something based on their nature or primal desires (convincing a wolfos pack to ambush a cattle drive, for instance) receiving a bonus equal to the number of Ranks your Musical Power exceeds the minimum required to communicate with the creature.

If your aim is to obtain an animal as a Companion, you may have the opportunity to befriend them by do some great service for it. Note that “great” does not mean the same thing for an animal as it does for people

Even with magical translation, the vastly different mindsets of animals can make communication difficult. Most animals only have a vague awareness of human activity, most of their attention focused on things like staying on the lookout for food, predators, or mates, and can’t grasp concepts like writing, technology, or complex combat tactics. For example, a horse may be able to say “Bokoblin’s attacked my Master” and point out a general direction, but would not be able to tell you they wanted the ore the man was carrying or exactly how far away the attack took place. Similarly, you could request a rat bring you the keys/”Shiny metal things on the wall over there” to your sell door, but he could not pick the lock of his own accord.